Yesterday's advice concerned saying "No". How are you doing? No is a very tough word to incorporate into your vocabulary when you have always been the go-to, yes-person at home, with your family, at work, in clubs and organizations, in life. Most people, especially women, are pleasers. They like things done right; they like things done on time; they like people happy; they like life organized. And what is the best way to accomplish all three? By taking charge, by agreeing, by saying, "Yes".
Yes is certainly an OK word - what would we do if no one every offered to help or to lead? Matters would be continually at loose ends, with little or nothing ever been completed. Now that would be no fun. However, Yes can also be exhausting, and unless you have a planner and are jotting down your calls to duty, it is easy to overbook, over-offer, over-do-it. And that just leads to stress.
So after practicing saying the word "No" (yesterday's assignment!), my second advice is get a planner. If you already have one, fill it out; if you have already filled it out, it's time to check it over to see what items are vital, important, able to be tabled, and what needs to be eliminated. Just reading through, purging, and prioritizing is a powerful step.
Again, your 4 labels for your planner:
V - Vital (must do/must complete/must have; these things keep you awake at night because of their value, however, when the day dawns, sometimes they are forgotten and/or shuffled to a back burner. Attend to them now).
I - Important (must do, but it does not have to be today. Paying bills might be such an item - you have to do it, but since payday is not until next week, this can wait).
T - Tabled (it's got to be done or planned for but the due date is down the road weeks or months from now. Set it aside, but if it is Important or about to become Vital, do not let this responsibility slip away. If it is due in June, move to May on your calendar and jot this item down as a reminder).
E - Eliminate (it isn't that important and really, who cares?).
VITE - that's life! Enjoy it as you de-stress and re-organize.