Friday, March 9, 2018

Back to Age-Friendly - Transportation

The last few posts have focused on de-stressing - if that is truly possible in our very busy lives. Knowing that stress leads to many mental and physical health problems, addressing it is of absolute value. Hopefully with your planner in order, with notes marking every item as Vital, Important, Tabled, and Eliminate, some free time should have been freed up and some stress should have been de-stressed.
Age-friendly communities focus on creating a perfect environment for every individual, regardless of age, physical or cognitive challenges, or health issues. Good facilities with good homes along with good activities and opportunities make for a good community.
Winnemucca and Humboldt began the age-friendly pursuit over two years ago and we have made tremendous progress. Beginning with driving and dementia, the team realized that taking a driver's license away is not a solution. In fact it may aggravate a problem. As a result our team investigated the various means of transportation in our community and then got the contact information into the hands of those who need it. We surveyed and then added:
1. an accessible parking space large enough for the senior bus in  busy, downtown shopping area;
2. a concierge service to help those in need when traveling on the senior bus;
3. a trained, AARP driver's education instructor to help seniors review keys points of driving to help them always drive with due care;
4. advertisement about the diverse means of transportation in our community: senior bus, veteran's services, RSVP services, NET driving services, and taxi services are several of these.
We are fortunate to have a community that cares and is ready to remedy transportation problems.

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