Thursday, March 1, 2018

VITE! Vital Things to Take Care of NOW!

Vite is the command "Fast" in French. Vite, vite, vite - hop to it. That is one reason the V in Vital is so valuable. If it's got to get done, do it now. Do not wait or hesitate, attend to it so that you can check-mark it off the list and move on to other important tasks.
A few years ago my niece recommended that I read The Happiness Project. Being obedient, and figuring I might gain terrific insight, I obeyed orders and read it. Far from making me happy, this book just irritated me. The advice may have brought joy to some, but for me it was sheer frustration. Frustration, that is, except for one small part. Basically stated, this section of the book explained tiny projects or responsibilities, those that can be completed in one or two minutes. For example, tomorrow is garbage day, I know it is garbage day, I plan for garbage day so that all of my toss-outs are assembled and ready for disposal. As I am walking down the stairs I spy a garbage bin that I have inadvertently missed. I am confronted with 3 choices:
1. Ignore it - I can always throw it out another day;
2. Make a note to self - "Next time you walk by, grab that trash and get rid of it;
3. Attend to it now - This is a 2 minutes or less job and if I take care of business now, I will not have to come back to it later. Case closed; responsibility completed.
And in less than 2 minutes, this vital job is dispensed with and done for a day or two, or maybe until next garbage day.
Return to your planner today. Think about all of the projects that you have marked V - Vital. Circle the ones that can be completed in 2 minutes or less and have to, heave ho, go for it! Perhaps this will bring you happiness, or at least an inkling of success.

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