With some big holidays arriving soon it is important to be prepared to make each event wonderful, safe, and satisfying for everyone, especially a loved one with Alzheimer's disease or other dementia. Even though an individual may appear lost, befuddled, and anxious, s/he still can benefit greatly from the love and camaraderie of family and friends. A few hints include:
1. Plan events for the late morning or early afternoon. This allows plenty of wake-up time plus lots of light to avoid confusion.
2. Determine a quiet spot in your home so that your loved one can be surrounded by those who care, but just a few at a time. Even noisy little ones add joy - but in small doses with rambunctiousness at a minimum.
3. Create a menu of your loved one's favorite dishes, taking under consideration items that come in small bites. A few specialties are perfect - too many may add to angst as decision-making may be tough.
4. Decide where a nap can occur, if necessary. This should be in a quiet area with adequate lighting to avoid potential mix-up in where your loved one is should s/he suddenly awaken. Move a chair, pillows, or soft objects next to the bed or couch in case your loved one should decide to roll. Be sure to check periodically that a peaceful rest is unfolding.
5. Select photo albums or create a slide show to share past events and memories with all of the family, especially designed with your loved one with dementia in mind.
6. Encourage all attendees to be kind and gentle, to assist but not to overwhelm, to help but not demean. Some folks will not be able to deal with this cognitive decline. Help them understand that the same person resides within but it is hard for him/her to engage as in the past.
Love makes a difference!
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