Friday, June 21, 2019

The Longest Day

Today, June 21st, is, of course, the longest day - more sunlight and bright light than any other day of the year in the northern hemisphere. The Alzheimer's Association recognizes that for caregivers and those with Alzheimer's and other dementias, the Longest Day may very well be every day. As these diseases progress, the cognition of the loved one diminishes as the needs expand and grow. What once took just a few minutes, like putting on shoes, for example, can turn into a wrestling match of a half hour. I naturally recommend that you abandon any shoe-putting-on to a very short time. If you are having to force and shove, wedge and push, anxiety will surely increase making the task harder and perhaps even impossible. Resolve that the shoe task is ridiculous and then revert to slippers, simple slip-ons, or bare feet if appropriate. Making life simpler is an excellent way to decrease stress and confusion.
Your community probably has events planned in conjunction with the Alzheimer's Association. These activities fund Alzheimer's research through generous donations from individuals and groups. Contact me to learn more about our Arts and Crafts Extravaganza tomorrow and our Sprint Triathlon July 4th or visit
If a group event is not to your liking, try some random acts of kindness for someone (or someones!) you care about - a walk, lunch out, a shopping spree, an ice cream cone. You can truly light up the life of someone who is isolated, lonely, and in need of personal connection. Caregivers and those receiving care both deserve special recognition and thoughtful gestures.

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