There are many possibilities for helping those who are so alone and isolated, whether by choice or by life events. Flexibility is key as every individual is different, has different needs, and will accept your friendship in a unique way. Multiple tries accompanied with multiple approaches may well be necessary.
1. If you already have a friendship with someone now residing alone, nourish and rekindle it. There is a past to build on; a future to create.
2. Schedule time for your friend. I know at times when I look at my planner I gasp in disbelief as it seems every minute is booked. Think about where you can free up time like sharing breakfast, enjoying a walk and talk, or heading out to a movie or other in-common event.
3. Become a volunteer. Many organizations are frantically seeking volunteers to assist in a multitude of ways. Volunteering to visit in a home provides the opportunity for friendship to blossom and happiness to bloom.
If it is you who is feeling lonely...
1. Get involved. Maybe you feel nervous about venturing into the volunteer arena, so join a group with endeavors you enjoy - you will find that you help your own soul while also helping others as you expand ideas, keep busy, and grow. It can really become a self-discovery adventure.
2. Join clubs or organizations, take a class in a challenging subject, begin a new hobby like playing the guitar or gardening. It may take time to find the perfect pursuit but it is out there somewhere just waiting for your engagement.
3. Meet new people. Oh, this can be a tough one, especially when you are feeling alone, maybe even desperately alone, and venturing out is just plain frightening. It can take time to wiggle yourself into a new group in a new environment. Libraries often offer book clubs - there's a start. Service organizations like Lions Club and Rotary always want new members - there's a second start. School frequently need volunteers to read to students or chaperone events - there might be something interesting to reflect on.
Happy day to you as you seek to eradicate loneliness and isolation and transform it into joyful experiences.
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