Many individuals and groups have tried to drag the word "dementia" out of the closet and into full view. Doing this is the best way to confront the issue and the stigma attached, however, now it seems some formerly strong voices are backing off, determining that"dementia" is a word that is just too frightening. Because of this people are turned off to a conversation on the subject before the subject is even discussed.
This back and forth has made me confused. Am I supposed to tiptoe through the tulips, so to speak, or shout out the word loud and clear? Can we make a difference in educating others if we are afraid to even utter the word? I understand, on the one hand, the need to proceed with due caution; I also understand that hiding the truth means we will never truly face and solve the confusion and misconceptions about "dementia".
Dementia takes various forms, some less severe, others terminal. Regardless of the form, let's talk about it. Let's discuss the issues and angles. Let's decide how we can make a difference in the lives of those in need.
Let me know - should we disguise dementia and present it as a potential cognitive decline, especially as we age, but that people can live long and well inspire of it?