To meet one of the goals set for Age- and Dementia-Friendly Winnemucca and Humboldt County we organized "Respite Retreat". This 2-hour break twice a month permits a loved one with Alzheimer's or other dementia to enjoy laughter, games, crafts, and music while the caregiver can run errands or just sit back and rest. In fact, often the caregivers joins us. Being a caregiver can be very isolating and so it is fun for these individuals to join in adult interaction and conversation.
It was difficult to find a place that would allow us to hold our Respite Retreat. Staying completely away from the words "adult daycare", we avoided all of the ramifications and rules that come with it. Ours is just a retreat, a time-out, a time-off, a chance to regroup and have fun. Stating liability concerns, however, our local hospital refused us as did the senior center. Fortunately, the Boys and Girls Club of Winnemucca said, "Yes!" and so we are off and running.
With a simple sign-in form that includes contact and other pertinent information we also include a "Permission to Use Photos" section. What better way to advertise and promote than with photos? We are also taking pictures of each art project that will later be transferred onto notecards that we can sell or give away to let people know of this special project.
The City of Winnemucca, hearing about our retreat endeavor, has approached us about adding a 1-hour walk/swim session at the local pool. While we have had no takers so far, that will not deter us from pursuing this possibility. Activity stimulates the brain and the mind. A trip to the pool may prove to be an excellent option.